It has been such a pleasure to create a platform for Emotion Focused professionals to share their knowledge and experience with you!
Years before I became an Emotion Focused Therapist and Trainer at the Australian Institute of Emotion Focused Therapy, my job was to produce hours of talk radio content every week and I've never lost my passion for communicating ideas to those that want to listen.
If you enjoy this podcast please share freely and look out for more episodes in the making!
Dr Lou
Welcome to the world of emotions
You may have heard a lot about how your thinking impacts your well being, but how much do you know about the role that emotions play?
Listen in to find out how emotions work for us and sometimes, seemingly, don’t work for us. This may lead to a whole new understanding of why you feel the way you feel and how that might be able to change.
Some helpful resources
‘I feel therefore I am’
Dr Leslie Greenberg
Emotion Focused speakers from around the world
The Emotion Focused podcast introduces you to people from around the globe whose psychological and psychotherapeutic research and practice has focused on understanding emotions and how they influence the way we are in the world.
An understanding of how emotional processes work can be an important step towards improving relationships not only with others but also with ourselves.
Based on evidence
The Emotion Focused podcast is underpinned by an evidence base of emotion theory and emotion focused therapy. It is not a replacement for therapy but may be a precursor to therapy or help you along the way. Sometimes just a small amount of knowledge about emotions can have a huge impact.
So plug in and get ready to immerse yourself in the world of emotions.