Series 2 Ep#1 Riding the roller coaster: emotions in young folks

Growing from a dependent infant into a well adjusted adult is a long and complicated process, according to Dr Mirisse Foroughe, and young people need the opportunity to learn to handle life’s hardships and experience difficult emotions. In this episode Mirisse shares some of what she has learnt from over 20 years’ experience riding the emotional rollercoaster with children, adolescents and their families.

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#14 Angry kids, angry parents

Did you get angry as a child? And what happened when you did? Or perhaps you have children now that get angry and as a parent you don’t know what to do with it? Anne Hilde Vassbo Hagen talks about the function of helpful and unhelpful anger in children and how parents can help be it.

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#03 Emotions in children

Explore what it is that children might be trying to tell us when they cling on to the adults around them or lash out and get themselves into trouble at school. Vivienne Wisniewski shares her experience of working with the emotions of children.

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